

OneTab Extension for Google Chrome Save up to 95 ...

OneTab is a free tab manager tool for individuals who need to tidy up their tabs quickly. Furthermore, OneTab will shut all open tabs in your current window.

OneTab for Windows

OneTab is a useful Chrome extension to help you get organized when you have a zillion tabs open and are going crazy jumping from one to the other.

OneTab - Chrome Webstore

This tool is for the Chrome Browser and whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the 'OneTab' icon to convert all of your tabs into a simple list.


節省高達95%的記憶體,並減輕分頁混亂現象. 當您發現自己有太多的分頁時,按一下OneTab圖示,將所有分頁轉換成一個清單。當您需要再次訪問這些分頁時,可以單獨或全部還原 ...

OneTab extension for Google Chrome and Firefox

OneTab lets you easily export and import your tabs as a list of URLs. You can also create a web page from your list of tabs, so that you can easily share your ...

[教學] 超好用Chrome分頁濃縮工具『OneTab』,一鍵把你所有 ...

2017年6月25日 — [教學] 超好用Chrome分頁濃縮工具『OneTab』,一鍵把你所有分頁折疊收起來! ... 而且分頁會一排排的條列出來使得畫面非常清爽與有序!如果你想分類,可以像我 ...


Save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter. Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list.


A better OneTab. This a better onetab extension Storing and grouping tabs are very useful. Onetab could help you to store the tabs you opened so that to ...


节省高达95%的内存,并减轻标签页混乱现象. 当您发现自己有太多的标签页时,单击OneTab图标,将所有标签页转换成一个列表。当您需要再次访问这些标签页时,可以单独或全部 ...